Announcing Monthly Website Maintenance Packages!

Online Marketing Made Simple

Announcing Monthly Website Maintenance Packages!

Keep Your Website Secure and Up to Date with a Monthly Website Maintenance Package!

website-maintenance-packagesI know many of you rarely, if at all, look at the dashboard of your website. For those of you that do, you’re usually asking me what the red notification icons are on the left-hand side. Well let me tell you, those are pending updates that need to be addressed on your site. And they happen all the time! Like weekly if not more often.

Update Notification from WordPress

So, you can ignore those little guys if you’d like, personally they bug me, like a nagging to-do list. However, in the long run, not staying on top of those pesky updates can cause potential harm to your website.

Keep Your WordPress Site Safe and Secure

wordpress-securityMy biggest concern is always security. Hackers are constantly looking for a way into your site. There are over 90,000 security attacks that happen every minute of every day.

Whether it be to find your contact list, insert malicious code, spread viruses or vandalize your website, they’re out there trying to wreak havoc. And don’t think you’re safe because your site is small or has a low volume of traffic. They don’t discriminate.

One of the best ways to protect your website is with frequent updates (those little red notices) and regularly scheduled backups. With each new release of WordPress, developers fix bugs, add features and patch security vulnerabilities. Theme and plugin developers so the same. So not updating obviously puts your website at risk for attack. The problem arises when one update doesn’t jive with another. (It’s an even bigger problem when someone attacks your site.)

When Updates Break Things

In my ten plus years of working with WordPress, I’ve learned that the biggest cause of WordPress website issues is plugin incompatibility. The growth of WordPress has allowed for a tremendous influx of plugin developers to create plugins for any number of website needs. Anything from WooCommerce shopping cart payment gateways to contact forms with trigger actions, it’s out there. Most play well together, but when they don’t… well does white screen of death mean anything to you? It does me. And it’s usually around 4:30 on a Friday afternoon. Not my favorite thing.


So, a couple of ways that I mitigate potential Friday afternoon headaches is with backups and methodical plugin updates. In other words, one by one, to ensure that the site doesn’t break. And if it does, I know what broke it.

It’s a tedious process when you take the time to do it properly. Worth it though because it’s an even longer process when you have to go back and fix what broke. I hate fixing things. It doesn’t really give you that satisfactory feeling of accomplishment, you know?

Healthy Websites With Regular Maintenance

Long story short, proper WordPress website maintenance takes time if you want it done right. I’m launching my monthly Website Maintenance Packages for my clients to ensure that your website stays in tip-top shape 365 days a year. Your site will be up to date, backed up and most importantly, secure.

Basic features include:

  • Weekly theme and plugin updates
  • Regularly scheduled backups
  • 24/7 Uptime monitoring
  • Emergency support
  • Google analytics integration

Clients on my annual hosting packages still receive the following benefits:

  • Basic SSL protection (“https”)
  • cPanel access
  • Unlimited email addresses
  • One-click WordPress installation

So let’s stay on top of this together! Sign up for a monthly package and let’s get rolling!

As always, contact me with questions.  I'm happy to help.


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Laura Nowak Brown
aka The West Coast Cyber Chick



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