Email Marketing

Online Marketing Made Simple

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the easiest and cost-effective ways to engage with people. It allows you to create colorful, eye-catching messages tailored to your reader without the expensive cost of printing and postage. I believe that email is one of the most underutilized tools available to marketers today!

Many of my clients focus on gaining social media followers or optimizing their websites but they forget the value of an email address. There is tremendous value in building your email list. An email address is an asset!  

Email allows you to offer something of value to your readers, whether they’re clients or not.  Whether it be a blog post or a how-to, it helps to paint the picture of who you are and what you offer. 

Email marketing allows you to schedule a series of emails to new subscribers, send them a monthly newsletter sharing your latest news or blog posts or share special offers or discounts. The options are endless but they all offer a personal way to connect with people.

Let me help you build your email marketing strategy with some easy techniques that will engage and strengthen your relationships.

Shoreline Digital Marketing partners with dd and Associates for Email Marketing. dd and Associates manages the email marketing for several leading organizations. They offer content creation, e-blast scheduling and tracking/follow up through Constant Contact.

Constant Contact

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