Category: Web Design

Online Marketing Made Simple


Announcing Monthly Website Maintenance Packages!

I know many of you rarely, if at all, look at the dashboard of your website. For those of you that do, you’re usually asking me what the red notification icons are on the left-hand side. Well let me tell you, those are pending updates that need to be addressed on your site. And they…
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from the West Coast Cyber Chick

How To Improve Your Website for Voice Search

Voice search is going to do nothing but increase in the coming years.  How often have you found yourself saying “Hey Siri” or “Alexa find me…”?  That’s voice search.  If you have any doubt about the importance of ranking for voice searches, check out my post “Voice Search and Why It Matters to your SEO…
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Smart Speaker Voice Search SEO 2019

Voice Search and Why It Matters to Your SEO Strategy

Voice search, or voice-enabled, allows the user to use a voice command to search the internet or portable device.  Whether it’s on your smart phone or smart speaker, voice search is growing in popularity because it’s a fast and easy way to find an answer to a question.  “Siri what time is it?” or “Alexa…
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Wordpress 5.0

WordPress 5.0 – How and When to Update

Published by Wordfence by Mark Maunder on December 5, 2018 WordPress 5.0 is being released tomorrow, December 6th. This release contains a major change to the WordPress editor. The new editor, code-named Gutenberg, is a substantial leap forward in functionality. It uses a new block-based system for editing which allows you to embed a wide…
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Happy New Year from Shoreline Digital Marketing

Happy New Year!

The last day of the year, once again.  For many people, 2017 is a year that they will gladly put behind them.  A new year gives us hope, a new beginning and a blank slate from which to start anew.  I have spent the better part of the past month working to improve my own…
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5 steps to building a website Shoreline Digital Marketing

5 Steps to Build a Website

Need to build a website for your business or organization? Wondering where to start?  I find myself writing out the same five things for new clients over and over, so I decided it was time to put them to virtual paper once and for all.  These five steps to get you on your way towards…
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