Category: Social Media

Online Marketing Made Simple

Facebook News Feed Closer

Changes to Facebook’s Newsfeed and What It Means to Marketers

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced on Thursday, January 11, 2018 that Facebook will be changing its news feed to show fewer news articles, marketing content and ads. Instead users should start seeing more posts from family, friends and groups. Zuckerberg stated, “As we roll this out, you’ll see less public content like posts from businesses,…
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Happy New Year from Shoreline Digital Marketing

Happy New Year!

The last day of the year, once again.  For many people, 2017 is a year that they will gladly put behind them.  A new year gives us hope, a new beginning and a blank slate from which to start anew.  I have spent the better part of the past month working to improve my own…
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5 steps to building a website Shoreline Digital Marketing

5 Steps to Build a Website

Need to build a website for your business or organization? Wondering where to start?  I find myself writing out the same five things for new clients over and over, so I decided it was time to put them to virtual paper once and for all.  These five steps to get you on your way towards…
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Advertising’s Newest Medium: Social Media Influencers

Did you happen to watch 60 Minutes last night?  There was a segment called “The Influencers”.   Correspondent Bill Whitaker reported about the newest trend in advertising – social media influencers.  We’ve all seen or heard about Kim Kardashian, as well as many others, and the nonstop social media presence.  Kim K posting seemingly nonstop selfies…
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Google’s test to let media publish directly in search can’t be great news for Twitter

Throughout the year, Google has been toying with a feature that lets people or groups post short bits of text directly and instantly into Google searches. Along with the text, those participating can put in an image, video and link. Sound familiar? It should, because it’s currently called Twitter. Worse still for the troubled social communications company: In some…
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Google Mobilegeddon

Google’s Mobilegeddon

Google just made a huge update that could affect millions of businesses. Here’s what you need to know The day of reckoning has arrived. On Tuesday, April 21st, Google made a major update to its mobile search algorithm that will change the order in which websites are ranked when users search for something from their…
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The History of Hashtags – HubSpot

Great article about the history of hashtags (#hashtags) and where they’ve come in the past seven years. A lot’s happened since hashtags were first proposed on Twitter. Back then, the first generation iPhone was only a few months old. Superbad made a killing in theatres. J.K. Rowling released the seventh, final, and (arguably) most satisfying book of the Harry Potter series.…
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Social Media Posting Frequency

Social Media Posting Frequency

Social Media posting frequency – how much is too much? How much is not enough?  I’m beginning to feel information-overload here.  I’ve been researching the latest trends in Search Engine Optimization, Social Media and Marketing.  How often do I post to Facebook?  How often should I post to Instagram?  Should I link Instagram to Facebook? …
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