Happy New Year!

Online Marketing Made Simple

Happy New Year!

The last day of the year, once again.  For many people, 2017 is a year that they will gladly put behind them.  A new year gives us hope, a new beginning and a blank slate from which to start anew. 

I have spent the better part of the past month working to improve my own website, ShorelineWebMarketing.com, in preparation for the coming year.  My goal is to grow my digital marketing business, procure new clients and continue to work with my existing clients. 

The world of website design, search engine optimization and all things “digital marketing” continues to change at a rapid pace.  It’s an exciting business to be in as it’s always changing.  But with that, it has its challenges – because it’s always changing!   I’ve been learning new techniques, finding new tools and growing my social media following (both inbound and outbound) to keep up with current trends.  I’ve found some great blogs that I’ll be sharing tips from as well as writing more of my own content.  Hopefully my followers (ie you) will find it useful and of interest.  Feel free to give me some feedback as to how I’m doing. 

Meanwhile, please have a safe, healthy and happy New Year.  Wishing you and yours the very best for 2018!
