Author: Laura Nowak

Online Marketing Made Simple

Are Keywords Relevant to SEO in 2015?

The focus on keyword-based search engine optimization is dying quickly, as we’re witnessing the resurgence of long-tail keywords. Keywords once meant everything to a campaign; Google collected data about a site solely based on the keywords that were present on its pages and in its links, and companies could measure their success based on how…
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Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a great holiday season and are starting the new year off on a positive note.  It’s always such a busy time of year and I cannot believe how fast it goes by. It did seem that this holiday season in particular brought less than “tidings of great joy” for some…
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Corvette SR-2 Sebring Racer

Didn’t get that special gift that you were hoping for this Christmas?  Well here’s a little something that every auto aficionado would love to have in their garage:  The Corvette SR-2 Sebring Racer! This little baby will only set you back around $7 mil.  Yes – as in six zeros.  See more at

The History of Hashtags – HubSpot

Great article about the history of hashtags (#hashtags) and where they’ve come in the past seven years. A lot’s happened since hashtags were first proposed on Twitter. Back then, the first generation iPhone was only a few months old. Superbad made a killing in theatres. J.K. Rowling released the seventh, final, and (arguably) most satisfying book of the Harry Potter series.…
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Social Media Posting Frequency

Social Media Posting Frequency

Social Media posting frequency – how much is too much? How much is not enough?  I’m beginning to feel information-overload here.  I’ve been researching the latest trends in Search Engine Optimization, Social Media and Marketing.  How often do I post to Facebook?  How often should I post to Instagram?  Should I link Instagram to Facebook? …
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Happy Thanksgiving!

Here’s wishing you and yours a happy and blessed Thanksgiving holiday.

It’s almost Christmas!

Well maybe not quite… but I’d venture to guess that Costco thinks so as they always seem to have the Christmas merchandise up by August 1st! We just enjoyed a fun-filled week here in Big Bear with the first annual Big Bear Cycling Festival.  It was kicked off with the Gran Fondo mountain bike ride…
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Summer 2014

Well I’ve been busy keeping up with my clients websites and haven’t made a post to my own site for almost a year now. Shame on me. The good news is that my client list is growing and so are their businesses. We’re getting more and more involved with social media and search engine optimization…
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Mid Year Update

I cannot believe that it’s the middle of July already. Where has the year gone? It’s been a busy one so far. I’ve launched a couple of new websites and I’m trying to keep up with the ongoing changes with ObamaCare. For updates on that go to  It looks like there will be plenty…
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