Happy New Year!

Online Marketing Made Simple

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a great holiday season and are starting the new year off on a positive note.  It’s always such a busy time of year and I cannot believe how fast it goes by.

It did seem that this holiday season in particular brought less than “tidings of great joy” for some around us.  Loss of loved ones, illness, heartache… for some reason there seemed to be more of it this year.  Maybe it’s just the explosion of social media in our lives sharing every tidbit about everybody every day, I don’t know.  What I do know is that it made me stop and take stock of the blessings in my own life and be grateful for my family and friends.  I spent a quiet Christmas with my parents, both of whom are in good health – and happy that I still have them to spend the holidays with.

So that being said, let’s enter 2015 with a joyous, grateful attitude and try to remember our blessings each and every day.  Someone posted on Facebook recently about a gratitude jar. Each day you write down something you’re grateful for and place it in the jar.  Next New Years as you reflect on the past year, you have a reminder of all of the blessings and good things in your life.  I love this!

Happy New Year to you and yours!
