Happy New Year!

Online Marketing Made Simple

Happy New Year!

I hope the holiday season was a great one for you and your family.  The end of 2016 provided to be quite busy for me, between health insurance open enrollment (yes I do that too) and finalizing several websites, I found myself working some extraordinarily long hours.  That being said, I’m very grateful for the work and the clients that I have and thankful to see growth in both of my businesses.

2017 looks to be another exciting year with a lot on the plate.  More websites coming down the pipeline and several cycling events here in Big Bear that we’re involved with.  Notably, the Amgen Tour of California Big Bear Lake Time Trial is back!  I am once again on the local organizing committee for the event, handling the website:  BigBearTimeTrial.com. 

Another site that I recently completed and launched is The Glen Arden Club’s new website:  GlenArdenClub.com.  I built this site for a good friend in conjunction with their marketing agency.

This site has a really unique look and was a lot of fun to put together. It’s a member’s only club in Glendale situated inside of a former Moose Lodge.  It has stunning architecture and history!

We’re getting ready to launch one more site, a local property management group featuring unique property rentals here in Big Bear.  Coming soon!

So we’re looking forward to a lot of fun things this coming year.  Bikes, water skiing and yes, work.  Here’s to a prosperous and healthy 2017!
