New Website! Retriever Rescue of Las Vegas

Online Marketing Made Simple

New Website! Retriever Rescue of Las Vegas

Stranger Danger Part One - Parental Controls on the Internet

Retriever Rescue of Las Vegas

Who Let the Dogs Out?  It was Us! We Let the Dogs Out!

I'm excited to announce my latest website project (and pet charity) Retriever Rescue of Las Vegas -

If you know me at all, you know I'm a huge animal lover. Robin and I have been considering adding another doggie to our fur family to keep our girl Sochi company.  Two cats just don't quite cut it for her.

We've had our eyes out for a rescue organization and stumbled upon Retriever Rescue of Las Vegas (RRLV) founded and operated by Dani and Jon Lapolla.  RRLV rescues dogs from cruel and inhumane conditions in Korea and Turkey.  The Korean dog meat farms are still functioning unfortunately.  RRLV's goal is not to change the cultural traditions of another country but rather to end the horrible living, and unfortunately dying, conditions of the dogs there.  I won't go into details as honestly, I don't have the stomach for it. 

So that said, we've found a sweet boy that we're looking to rescue from Korea.  Hopefully he'll be home with us soon.  But in the meantime, I started chatting with Dani about her website and offered my services to help.  She's done an awesome job managing their social media accounts (@retrieverrescuelv) but found it difficult to manage the website along with a full-time job. I'm really excited to announce their new website and even more excited to work with them as they save furbabies lives around the world!

RRLV is currently looking for flight volunteers, sponsors and donations to help bring these dogs to loving homes in the United States.  If you can help in any way, please contact Dani at


Laura Nowak Brown
aka The West Coast Cyber Chick



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