Category: Stuff We Like

Online Marketing Made Simple


Website Hosting and Why Your Provider Matters

Fast and reliable website hosting is a crucial part of any successful website. Your website hosting provider is critical to the success and the health of your website and your business.   When you’re thinking about building a new website, your hosting provider is probably one of the last things on your mind. But, neglecting to…
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New Website Launch –

So this one’s my baby… Welcome to! Hi there and welcome to, affectionately known as the Five Finger Discount site! One Hand One Glove is a classified ad website geared to connecting one-handed upper-body amputees that have unneeded gloves stacking up around the house with other (opposite arm) amputees. My goal, simply put,…
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Save Yourself!

Hi there once again and happy Friday to you! Another fun-filled week here at Shoreline Digital Marketing. Well, let’s say exciting and leave it at that! A WordPress theme and plugin update left one of my websites with nothing but a header image… not fun. Has this ever happened to you? All of a sudden…
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SEO and Image File Name Importance

So recently I did a major website redesign for a client that involved a lot of content and a lot of images.  It was a great learning experience as this is by far the largest site (resource-wise) that I’ve dealt with.  I ran into some not so fun stumbling blocks worth sharing.  First, you can…
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